National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

ASIS Article – Preparing for OT Incident Response

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2023-08-20 15:53:18
Red Team (CNA)

 - archive -- Cybersecurity incidents are no longer a matter of if, but when. Building a good strategy and architecture to deter intrusions is incredibly important in reducing the frequency and severity of incidents, but there is no scenario where any organization is totally immune. That means that every organization must have a plan for what they… Read More ASIS Article – Preparing for OT Incident Response

Cybersecurity incidents are no longer a matter of if, but when. Building a good strategy and architecture to deter intrusions is incredibly important in reducing the frequency and severity of incidents, but there is no scenario where any organization is totally immune. That means that every organization must have a plan for what they will do in both their enterprise (IT) and operational technology (OT) environments in case an incident occurs… (read more)

Source: Lesley Carhart
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