National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

How Japan plans to use avatars, robots, and AI in construction, trucking, farming, and retail to tackle its estimated labor shortage of 11M people by

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2024-01-22 20:58:29
Robotics / Makers , Developers , Blue Team (CND)

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Financial Times:

How Japan plans to use avatars, robots, and AI in construction, trucking, farming, and retail to tackle its estimated labor shortage of 11M people by 2040  —  Farmers, retailers and builders rethink business models as world's fastest-ageing society runs out of workers

Financial Times:

How Japan plans to use avatars, robots, and AI in construction, trucking, farming, and retail to tackle its estimated labor shortage of 11M people by 2040  —  Farmers, retailers and builders rethink business models as world's fastest-ageing society runs out of workers

Source: TechMeme
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Robotics / Makers
Blue Team (CND)

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