National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Canalys: Q2 smartphone sales in North America fell 22% YoY, with Apple down 20% and Samsung down 27%; Google's sales rose 59% YoY and market shar

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2023-09-28 04:17:19
Cybersecurity Business

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Ron Amadeo / Ars Technica:

Canalys: Q2 smartphone sales in North America fell 22% YoY, with Apple down 20% and Samsung down 27%; Google's sales rose 59% YoY and market share doubled to 4%  —  North American sales are bad for everyone, except, miraculously, Google.  —  Canalys has some gruesome new numbers …

Ron Amadeo / Ars Technica:

Canalys: Q2 smartphone sales in North America fell 22% YoY, with Apple down 20% and Samsung down 27%; Google's sales rose 59% YoY and market share doubled to 4%  —  North American sales are bad for everyone, except, miraculously, Google.  —  Canalys has some gruesome new numbers …

Source: TechMeme
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