National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

How Google's Project Green Light is using AI to analyze Maps data to suggest how cities can adjust traffic light timing and cut wait times and ve

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2023-10-11 05:12:35
Privacy , Suckurity , Developers , Breach

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Paresh Dave / Wired:

How Google's Project Green Light is using AI to analyze Maps data to suggest how cities can adjust traffic light timing and cut wait times and vehicle emissions  —  Google is analyzing data from its Maps app to suggest how cities can adjust traffic light timing to cut wait times and emissions.

Paresh Dave / Wired:

How Google's Project Green Light is using AI to analyze Maps data to suggest how cities can adjust traffic light timing and cut wait times and vehicle emissions  —  Google is analyzing data from its Maps app to suggest how cities can adjust traffic light timing to cut wait times and emissions.

Source: TechMeme
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