National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Data: anti-government militia activity has grown on Facebook in the US, with the platform even auto-generating some group pages, despite the issue bei

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2024-10-30 01:56:04
Policy / Governance

Tess Owen / Wired:

Data: anti-government militia activity has grown on Facebook in the US, with the platform even auto-generating some group pages, despite the issue being flagged  —  Ahead of the election, anti-government militias are using Facebook to recruit, coordinate training, and promote ballot box stakeouts.

Tess Owen / Wired:

Data: anti-government militia activity has grown on Facebook in the US, with the platform even auto-generating some group pages, despite the issue being flagged  —  Ahead of the election, anti-government militias are using Facebook to recruit, coordinate training, and promote ballot box stakeouts.

Source: TechMeme
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