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How To Present SecOps Metrics (The Right Way)

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2023-08-20 16:01:49
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Metrics presentations can get boring. So, it is essential for security professionals to make them engaging. Here's how.

How To Present SecOps Metrics (The Right Way)

SecOps metrics can be a gold mine of potential for informing better business decisions, but 78% of CEOs say they don’t have adequate data on risk exposure to make good decisions. Even when they do see the right data, 82% are inclined to “trust their gut” anyway.

Here lies the disconnect between data and decisions for C-level executives: a lack of effective presentation. Ultimately, the responsibility of communicating that SecOps metrics matter falls on today’s security teams. They must transform numbers into narratives that illustrate the challenges in today’s attack landscape to decision-makers — and, most importantly, make stakeholders care about those challenges.

But metrics presentations can get boring. So, how can security professionals present SecOps metrics in an engaging way?


Stories inspire empathy and action

While facts and figures play a role in communication, humans respond differently to stories. With narratives, we understand meaning more deeply, remember events longer, and factor what each story taught us into future decisions. Storytelling is also an effective way for security teams to inspire empathy — and therefore, action — in today’s decision-makers.

It’s critical for security professionals to identify the narrative thread in the metrics they’re analyzing. Here’s what we mean by that, step by step and metric by metric.

Establish how hungry the bad guys are

Hone in on the frequency of security incidents. This metric directly correlates to the power and reach threat actors have. Dive into the causes behind incidents, how much impact incidents had, and what can be done to stop them.

This information gives executives direct insight into the potential risks your organization faces and the negative outcomes associated with them. When executives can see the cold hard number of times their organizations have suffered from a breach, attack, or leak, it can highlight where security strategies are still lacking — and where they’re losing out to malicious actors.

Show how the villains keep winning

MTTD (mean time to detection) is a measure of how fast security teams can detect incidents. While it might not be a flashy metric in and of itself, it can pack a powerful punch when illustrating the damage bad actors can do before they’re suspected of even breaking in.

MTTD provides insight into the efficacy of an organization’s current cybersecurity tools and data coverage. It can also be a helpful indicator of how well current security processes are working — and how overworked or resource-strained a security team might be.

Tell the underdog’s story

Here’s where you leverage MTTR (mean time to respond). This metric shows how quickly the security team can spring into action. More often than not, security teams have a litany of other important tasks at hand that can make MTTR less than ideal. This demonstrates why resource-strained and overworked security professionals are set up to fail if they don’t have the right tools, strategies, and support.

With MTTR, security teams can add an extra layer of context to the data shown by MTTD. This metric highlights how quickly security teams respond to incidents — which can be another indicator of how well tools and processes match up to current threats.

Describe the loot you stand to lose

Finally, communicate the potential cost per incident. Money speaks volumes when you’re crafting a narrative out of SecOps metrics — so it’s best to close out your stories with this powerful data point. This metric provides insight into the efficiency of a cybersecurity program’s processes, tools, and resource allocation.

This is perhaps the most effective metric security professionals can use with executives because it speaks directly to one of their critical concerns: the bottom line.

Putting it all together

While many additional SecOps metrics matter, those four data points can come together most effectively to weave a story that speaks to C-level execs.

However, executives will have their own set of questions and concerns at SecOps briefs. So, it’s important to supplement even the strongest SecOps stories with additional answers, such as:

  • How efficiently your organization is addressing risks compared to other similar companies.
  • Where budget spend works and where it doesn’t in terms of ROI.
  • Where opportunities for increased efficiencies (namely, breaking down disparate silos and cutting costs with consolidation) can come into play.

It all comes down to communication

By focusing on crafting data narratives, security teams can turn SecOps metrics into actionable decisions for stakeholders. Telling the right story to the right people can help procure backing from the top — which means getting the resources, people, and budget security leaders need to stay ahead of threats.

Effectively communicating with C-levels helps build a rapport between stakeholders and boots-on-the-ground security professionals. By presenting metrics as parts of a larger story, organizations can unlock better collaboration, better relationships, and better business outcomes.

All while keeping threat actors in check.

Want to learn more about creating SecOps narratives that pack a punch? Download Presenting Upward: How to Showcase SecOps Metrics That Matter now.

Source: Rapid7
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