National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Michael Lacey, co-founder of the classified ad site Backpage, gets five years in prison and a $3M fine for money laundering; two other executives get

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2024-08-29 18:52:12
General News , Policy / Governance

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New York Times:

Michael Lacey, co-founder of the classified ad site Backpage, gets five years in prison and a $3M fine for money laundering; two other executives get 10 years  —  Michael Lacey, 76, co-founded the website that became known for its ads for prostitution.  He was convicted on a money laundering charge …

New York Times:

Michael Lacey, co-founder of the classified ad site Backpage, gets five years in prison and a $3M fine for money laundering; two other executives get 10 years  —  Michael Lacey, 76, co-founded the website that became known for its ads for prostitution.  He was convicted on a money laundering charge …

Source: TechMeme
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