National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

How Worldcoin is building its World ID identity system, trying to assuage government and privacy activists' concerns about its iris scanning tech

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2024-08-18 20:46:17
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Angus Berwick / Wall Street Journal:

How Worldcoin is building its World ID identity system, trying to assuage government and privacy activists' concerns about its iris scanning tech and data usage  —  More than a dozen jurisdictions have either suspended the project's operations or looked into its data processing

Angus Berwick / Wall Street Journal:

How Worldcoin is building its World ID identity system, trying to assuage government and privacy activists' concerns about its iris scanning tech and data usage  —  More than a dozen jurisdictions have either suspended the project's operations or looked into its data processing

Source: TechMeme
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