National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

A deep dive on CivitAI, a site for sharing AI models that generate pornographic images mostly trained on material taken without consent from across th

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2023-08-22 15:53:51
Developers , Education

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Emanuel Maiberg / 404 Media:

A deep dive on CivitAI, a site for sharing AI models that generate pornographic images mostly trained on material taken without consent from across the internet  —  Generative AI tools have empowered amateurs and entrepreneurs to build mind-boggling amounts of non-consensual porn.

Emanuel Maiberg / 404 Media:

A deep dive on CivitAI, a site for sharing AI models that generate pornographic images mostly trained on material taken without consent from across the internet  —  Generative AI tools have empowered amateurs and entrepreneurs to build mind-boggling amounts of non-consensual porn.

Source: TechMeme
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