National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Metasploit Weekly Wrap up

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2023-08-20 16:01:50
Red Team (CNA)

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Unauthenticated RCE in VMware Product

This week, community contributor h00die added an exploit module that leverages a command injection vulnerability in VMWare Aria Operations for Networks, formerly known as vRealize Network Insight. Versions 6.2 to 6.10 are vulnerable (CVE-2023-20887). A remote attacker could abuse the Apache Thrift RPC

Unauthenticated RCE in VMware Product

Metasploit Weekly Wrap up

This week, community contributor h00die added an exploit module that leverages a command injection vulnerability in VMWare Aria Operations for Networks, formerly known as vRealize Network Insight. Versions 6.2 to 6.10 are vulnerable (CVE-2023-20887). A remote attacker could abuse the Apache Thrift RPC interface by sending specially crafted data and get unauthenticated remote code execution on the underlying operating system as the root user. The module first bypasses the reverse proxy that protects the RPC interface and executes its payload with root privileges. This vulnerability has been rated as critical by VMware, with a CVSSv3 base score of 9.8.

Again, WordPress Plugin

Community contributor h00die-gr3y added an exploit module that targets the File Manager Advanced Shortcode Wordpress plugin. This module leverages a flaw in the data validation mechanism when uploading a file and gets unauthenticated remote code execution. The plugin does not correctly prevent uploading files with disallowed MIME types. This vulnerability is identified as CVE-2023-2068 and affects version 2.3.2 and prior.

Kerberos Authentication and LDAP socks Proxies support

This release adds support for sending Kerberos and LDAP traffic through user configurable Socks4/Socks5 proxies. The proxies can be set with the Proxies datastore option. This functionality is supported by most modules, such as SMB/WinRM/etc. An example network environment would be:

[ Attacker Machine ] -> [ Socks Proxy ( ] -> [ Target (]

For instance running the auxiliary/gather/ldap_query module with the inline option proxies=socks5:, or using the older set proxies socks5: syntax, will send the network traffic through the user specified Socks proxy - requesting both the Kerberos tickets for authentication as well as the LDAP query itself:

msf6 auxiliary(gather/ldap_query) > rerun rhost= username=administrator password=p4$$w0rd5 ldap::auth=kerberos ldap::rhostname=dc3.adf3.local domaincontrollerrhost= domain=adf3.local proxies=socks5:
[*] Reloading module...
[*] Running module against

[+] - Received a valid TGT-Response
[*] - TGT MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /home/kali/.msf4/loot/20230710120238_default_10.20.0.137_mit.kerberos.cca_426003.bin
[+] - Received a valid TGS-Response
[*] - TGS MIT Credential Cache ticket saved to /home/kali/.msf4/loot/20230710120238_default_10.20.0.137_mit.kerberos.cca_291783.bin
[+] - Received a valid delegation TGS-Response
[*] Discovering base DN automatically
[+] Discovered base DN: DC=adf3,DC=local
[+] Discovered schema DN: DC=adf3,DC=local
CN=Administrator CN=Users DC=adf3 DC=local

Name Attributes
---- ----------
badpwdcount 0
description Built-in account for administering the computer/domain
lastlogoff 1601-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
lastlogon 2023-07-10 16:02:38 UTC
… omitted …

New module content (2)

VMWare Aria Operations for Networks (vRealize Network Insight) pre-authenticated RCE

Authors: Anonymous with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative, Sina Kheirkhah, and h00die

Type: Exploit

Pull request: #18199 contributed by h00die

Path: exploits/linux/http/vmware_vrni_rce_cve_2023_20887

AttackerKB reference: CVE-2023-20887

Description: This adds an exploit module that leverages a pre-authenticated command injection vulnerability in VMWare Aria Operations for Networks (vRealize Network Insight). Versions from 6.2 to 6.10 are vulnerable and this has been identified as CVE-2023-20887. The module bypasses the reverse proxy that protects the access to the Apache Thrift RPC interface and executes arbitrary commands on the underlying operating system as the root user.

Wordpress File Manager Advanced Shortcode 2.3.2 - Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution through shortcode

Authors: Mateus Machado Tesser and h00die-gr3y

Type: Exploit

Pull request: #18142 contributed by h00die-gr3y

Path: exploits/multi/http/wp_plugin_fma_shortcode_unauth_rce

AttackerKB reference: CVE-2023-2068

Description: This adds a Wordpress exploit that makes use of the WordPress File Manager Advanced Shortcode 2.3.2 plugin, to gain unauthenticated Remote Code Execution through shortcode.

Enhancements and features (1)

  • #18096 from adfoster-r7 - Updates the LDAP query module and the Kerberos authentication support for WinRM/MSSQL/SMB/LDAP/etc to work in conjunction with the user's set Proxies datastore value, i.e. set Proxies socks5:

Bugs fixed (3)

  • #18187 from cgranleese-r7 - Fixes a crash when running Ruby 3.3.0-preview1 with modules that used invalid syntax when packing or unpacking binary data.

  • #18213 from adfoster-r7 - This fixes a bug in the evasion/windows/syscall_inject module that was caused by an uninitialized variable.

  • #18225 from adfoster-r7 - This fixes multiple missing/invalid references in modules.


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Source: Rapid7
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