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The FCC votes 3-2 to invite the US public to comment on re-establishing net neutrality rules; the broader effort still faces a long legal and politica

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2023-10-19 19:40:34
Policy / Governance

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Devin Coldewey / TechCrunch:

The FCC votes 3-2 to invite the US public to comment on re-establishing net neutrality rules; the broader effort still faces a long legal and political battle  —  The Federal Communications Commission officially began its effort to re-establish net neutrality at its monthly meeting today …

Devin Coldewey / TechCrunch:

The FCC votes 3-2 to invite the US public to comment on re-establishing net neutrality rules; the broader effort still faces a long legal and political battle  —  The Federal Communications Commission officially began its effort to re-establish net neutrality at its monthly meeting today …

Source: TechMeme
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