National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

FIDO Alliance announces Credential Exchange Protocol, a specification to make passkeys portable across systems, and Passkey Central, a resource websit

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2024-10-15 02:18:17
Developers , Crypto Currency

Lily Hay Newman / Wired:

FIDO Alliance announces Credential Exchange Protocol, a specification to make passkeys portable across systems, and Passkey Central, a resource website for devs  —  “Passkeys,” the secure authentication mechanism built to replace passwords, are getting more portable and easier for organizations …

Lily Hay Newman / Wired:

FIDO Alliance announces Credential Exchange Protocol, a specification to make passkeys portable across systems, and Passkey Central, a resource website for devs  —  “Passkeys,” the secure authentication mechanism built to replace passwords, are getting more portable and easier for organizations …

Source: TechMeme
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