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SolanaFM: the FTX estate staked 5.5M SOL, valued at $122M, from a principal wallet, delegating the coins to network validator Figment; FTX has $1B+ in

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2023-10-16 09:49:28
Blue Team (CND) , Crypto Currency

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Vishal Chawla / The Block:

SolanaFM: the FTX estate staked 5.5M SOL, valued at $122M, from a principal wallet, delegating the coins to network validator Figment; FTX has $1B+ in SOL  —  - The FTX estate has staked over 5.5 million Solana worth $122 million.  — A wallet address identified as managed …

Vishal Chawla / The Block:

SolanaFM: the FTX estate staked 5.5M SOL, valued at $122M, from a principal wallet, delegating the coins to network validator Figment; FTX has $1B+ in SOL  —  - The FTX estate has staked over 5.5 million Solana worth $122 million.  — A wallet address identified as managed …

Source: TechMeme
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Blue Team (CND)
Crypto Currency

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