National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

The Google monopoly ruling dealt a blow to one of Big Tech's main arguments against regulation: that 19th-century antitrust laws can't addre

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2024-08-09 15:41:55
Policy / Governance

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Washington Post:

The Google monopoly ruling dealt a blow to one of Big Tech's main arguments against regulation: that 19th-century antitrust laws can't address tech innovation  —  The first big tech-sector anti-monopoly ruling in a generation challenges the idea that the internet era has outgrown U.S. antitrust law.

Washington Post:

The Google monopoly ruling dealt a blow to one of Big Tech's main arguments against regulation: that 19th-century antitrust laws can't address tech innovation  —  The first big tech-sector anti-monopoly ruling in a generation challenges the idea that the internet era has outgrown U.S. antitrust law.

Source: TechMeme
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