National Cyber Warfare Foundation (NCWF)

Zuckerberg says Meta is training Llama 4 models on a cluster of 100K+ H100 chips, "or bigger than anything that I've seen reported for what

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2024-10-31 05:19:15


Zuckerberg says Meta is training Llama 4 models on a cluster of 100K+ H100 chips, “or bigger than anything that I've seen reported for what others are doing”  —  The race for better generative AI is also a race for more computing power.  On that score, according to CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Meta appears to be winning.


Zuckerberg says Meta is training Llama 4 models on a cluster of 100K+ H100 chips, “or bigger than anything that I've seen reported for what others are doing”  —  The race for better generative AI is also a race for more computing power.  On that score, according to CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Meta appears to be winning.

Source: TechMeme
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